This blog is dedicated to my three very busy boys - Walker, Hunter and Colter. I journal here, so I can remember all the fine details and memories made of what it is like to be your Mother.

December 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Walker!

Dear Walker,

Today you turned 9 years old. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. It feels like yesterday I was cradling you in my arms, watching you sleep so peacefully. I was in awe that you were actually mine. I was the one who was so blessed that day. That sweet morning that I held you, with tears streaming down my face. I thought my heart was going to just burst with love for you. It is a memory I will never forget.

You are growing up to be such a wonderful young man. You are loved by many and adored by your brothers. You are the best big brother, you watch over Hunter and Colter and protect them. You are quick to play video games with Hunter and love to run and chase Colter, running around making him laugh and giggle.You are so helpful watching your brothers, you are my second set of eyes.

You are smart and bright and are doing so well in school. Your teacher Mrs. Clemow always has kind things to say about you. You are eager to learn and master your lessons. You will go so far in life buddy. Keep that good work ethic. I am so proud of you.

You are a joy to be around and you bring lots of happiness to our home. You are a good friend, always caring for others and attentive to others needs.

You are one stylish 9 year old. You have your own sense of self and easily express it in your style - and I enjoy that in you.

I am so blessed to be your Mama.

Happy Birthday, Walker!

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