This blog is dedicated to my three very busy boys - Walker, Hunter and Colter. I journal here, so I can remember all the fine details and memories made of what it is like to be your Mother.

October 11, 2010

Small Munchkin For Sale

Oh today was a day. I would have sold a child if it wasn't wrong and I would regret it later.

Hunter was into EVERYTHING. That little guy has a way of running me ragged. Where to begin... well he dumped a WHOLE bottle of nail polish remover on the bathroom floor, he pulled every DVD we own out of their cases, he proceeded to pee all over the bathroom floor not long after I cleaned up the first mess... he says "Mom, I go pee in the bafroom" I say "Yes, Hunter you did go pee in the bathroom, but next time pee in the toilet IN the bathroom, not the bathroom floor." Next I think was the envelopes, he pulled about 100 envelopes out of the box and scattered them everywhere. A little while later it was WAY TOO quite, I called for Hunter and then I RUN to find him, he never answers - not a good thing. I find him downstairs, a very strong vanilla aroma has filled the basement and I mean STRONG, yes Hunter has emptied a whole can of aerosol air freshener downstairs. Nice. No way to cover that up. It was just one of those days. By the time Jason got home I had had it. Thankfully, my hubby took over and I was outta there. A little retail therapy and a quite car always does a Momma good.

October 8, 2010


Yes, yes I said toofers. Colter has two lil toofers that popped through today. I was changing his diaper and he was smiling away and what do you know....his two front bottom teeth just popped through. Oh my heart swells with pride (over teeth, yes I know, but it does) I screamed for Jason to come look, and the whole family has crawled up on my bed, it was like a REAL BIG deal. Colter was laughing, he loves all the attention. So now my baby has two teeth. He still refuses to eat any solid food, but oh well he will when he is ready.

He can almost sit up, we have been working hard on that one. He is sitting in his bumbo chair, and we practice on the floor, he is a stubborn little monkey, he will just fling his head back trying to lie down. He is just so much fun. Much love to that little boy. I'm so blessed.

I will post pictures as soon as I get a good one of that toothy grin.

October 6, 2010

Bike Rides

Walker did it! He is now riding a bike...without training wheels! He has been working on it all summer and it has just been a challenge. Well today he pulled out his "little" bike and just took off. He came running in the house and yells that he can ride his bike. I was like "WHAT!? So we ran outside and there he goes down the sidewalk, helmet and all. He said he was just riding around in the garage and he just "got it". So sweet! I was so happy for him. His Uncle Will has been riding a two wheeler all summer and I know how much Walker wants to join him. Well bring on the bike rides, cause my boy is ready!!!

October 5, 2010

Ice Cream Day

I took the boys the other night to Softies. I snapped these real cute pictures and just had to post them. I love playing with photoshop.

We have been enjoying our warm sunshine and beautiful fall weather. I am so thankful it has lasted this long. Walker sure enjoys playing until it's dark outside.

It has been a busy last couple of weeks. I picked up extra shifts at the hospital so I was working A LOT. This week feels more like a vacation, just relaxing and hanging out with the boys. I'm enjoying it. I feel like I get the best of both worlds, I get to have the challenging career that I love and I get to be a stay-at-home-mom too. Wow, I am really lucky!

I have been able to get all my Halloween decorations up, Walker and I are planning a Halloween party the Saturday before Halloween. He is inviting 10 of his classmates and we are going to have SO much fun! I am just as excited! I've thoroughly enjoyed planning this party, the games the food, the party favors - yep right up my ally. I will keep you posted on how it turns out.

Here is a super cute picture of Walker and Hunter. I have such a hard time getting pictures of Hunter. He is always moving! Have a great rest of the week.

Colter - 9 Months

I know I am a day early, but I better write this post while I have the time. Colter will be 9 months old tomorrow. Can I say wow! I can't believe that 9 months have gone by already! So he has officially become the "third" child. His baby book is empty, he has not had his 6 months check up, yes I said 6 month check up. I have fallen a wee bit behind. BUT I have kept up with pictures. I do all my photo albums on Shutterfly and he is up to date so far. So he may not have a complete baby book, but he will have plenty of pictures to look back upon.

I can't even really post to much about stats cause I really don't even know. I think he is around 20 lbs now, maybe a bit more. He is growing and growing. He has kept that same laid back attitude he's had all along. Just content to chill.

Colter is starting to really turn over and enjoy tummy time. He has been able to roll back to front for awhile, he just never did. But now he is making it more part of his routine.

He has NO interest in food. I've tried lots of different things and he is just not having it. I'm not too worried he is not lacking calories if you know what I mean. I will keep trying different foods and eventually I am sure he will pick up on the food thing. He eats about 4-6oz of formula every 3 hours during the day. We have him on soy-based formula, he just seems to do better. He gets 2tsp Karo syrup twice a day to keep him regular.

He is sleeping through the night most nights. Colter goes to bed about 7:30pm and sleeps till 7am If he does wake during the night, I feed him and he is off to sleep right after. He is still napping twice a day 9am - 11am and 2:30pm-4pm. Yay for naps!

He is just starting to sit up with some assistance, he is really not that motivated. We have been working with him for the last couple of months and he is getting better but he still cannot sit alone. We have been putting him in his Exersaucer to help develop some muscle tone. He does pretty well, he just lifts his feet up, like refusing to touch the ground. It's a bit funny!

Oh and yes we have 1 lil tooth poppin through on the bottom! Just saw it yesterday!

Colter is like I said a great baby! He is just happy all the time, he really is never fussy. It has really been a blessing. He travels great, he loves his binky, smiles all the time and just adds so much happiness to out lives.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Colter this past month.