This blog is dedicated to my three very busy boys - Walker, Hunter and Colter. I journal here, so I can remember all the fine details and memories made of what it is like to be your Mother.

July 12, 2010

Summer Vaction

Looks like we had fun??? We sure did !! We we took off to Missoula the week of the 4th, me and the three boys. We spent 8 days just hanging out with family. It was so fun. The boys of course loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. We are so blessed to have such AWESOME grandparents. We played outside, went to the Carousel, out to eat, played with the dog and the highlight: Grandpa got a new kitty! Walker got to pick it out and it is the cutest little thing! Catsa...very original. But we love him.

The boys did so well. For the most part we stuck to the schedule and naps and bedtime were a breeze. Hunter even slept through the night all 7 nights. That wasn't happening at home. I think all that time with Grandpa wore that little guy out.

Colter is just a peach to take traveling. He is so laid back, as long as he is fed on schedule. He is just a happy little camper. I'm so so so blessed. We even scored a new playmat for Colee...he loves it and it was the best 30.OO dollars I've spent on a toy. Hours of entertainment, I'm glad he like it!

Hunter, well he just loves Grandpa. He even teases Grandma about it. I told Grandpa he knew how I felt, he couldn't pee alone. Hunter just wants to be EVERYWHERE Grandpa was. If he was changing sprinkler pipe, Hunter was out with him. It so sweet to see them together.

Walker, he had a blast! Swimming, playing, playing with Missy Girl (the dog) watching cable TV (we get PBS at home) and the best part....Catsa. He sure loves his kitty.

It was a great getaway, coming home was nice too. We missed Daddy.

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