Today you turn 3 years old. It has been the fastest three years of my life so far. You have brought such joy to our family. You are such a positive, happy addition to our family. You have grown so much this past year. Here is a little about you:
- You wear size 3T tops and bottoms
- Size 7 toddler shoes
- you weigh 30 pounds
- You like to get your haircut
- You hate hats cause they're "itchy"
- You have little interest in the potty
- You do have an interest in Superman underwear and ask when you can have some
- You still love your "binky"
- You sleep from 7:30pm to 7:30am
- You nap from 1pm to 3pm daily
- You sleep with little plastic dinosaurs
- You LOVE to take baths
- I think you purposely make a mess when you eat, just to take a bath
- You can sing the whole Veggie Tales intro song
- You love your brothers and follow either one of them around wherever they go
- Every time you pray you are thankful for the school bus
- When you are talking to me every sentence ends with the word Mama
- You love to eat and you tell me you are hungry every 20 minutes - literally
- You asked to eat fruit snacks about 10 times a day
- You hate to wear pajamas, you always ask to "get dressed" which means wearing jeans and a t-shirt, so you are ready to go in the event I'm going somewhere - you do not want to be left.
- We've watched Finding Nemo at your request, I'm sure over 300 times
- You love to go to the theater, and you have to have popcorn. your OWN popcorn
- You hate getting your temperature taken
- You've had 3 ear infections :(
- You love to be read to
I love you,