This blog is dedicated to my three very busy boys - Walker, Hunter and Colter. I journal here, so I can remember all the fine details and memories made of what it is like to be your Mother.

December 9, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday, Walker!

December 9th, 2003

Today, December 9th, 2010 at exactly 4:59am my Walker Jason Schwaderer turned seven years old. Wow! I cannot believe it has been seven years. Just seven years ago I received such a great, sweet, wonderful blessing! My heart is so full.

Walker you are my shining star. You have a way of making me smile everyday. I am so proud of the person that you are becoming. You are kind, gentle, warm hearted and full of life. I am so thankful that Jesus is the Lord of your life and that you want to please him in all you do.

Walker 1 year old

Walker's First Birthday 12/09/2004

Walker, 7 years old

You are the best brother any boy could ask for. You are patient and loving, you sure are smart and share your knowledge with others. You are the best son any mother could ever ask for. You light up my days and you fill our home with laughter - I am so proud to be your Momma. Happy Birthday!