This blog is dedicated to my three very busy boys - Walker, Hunter and Colter. I journal here, so I can remember all the fine details and memories made of what it is like to be your Mother.

June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Hunter!

My sweet baby boy turns two today. I just can't believe how fast it has gone. He is growing up before our eyes. I just love him to pieces. Here is a little bit about my favorite two year old boy:

He weighs 27 lbs. Hey is 33 inches tall, his vocabulary doubles daily. He can say lots of words, Mama, Daddy, Hungry, Amen, Please, Milk, he calls Walker "Bro Bro" he loves his baby brother, Colter and is surprisingly pretty gentle with him. He loves to play outside, read books, and he is the best eater in the house. Some of his favorites are green beans, yogurt and oat momo (oatmeal). He is pretty friendly and not too shy, he smiles lots, loves to give hugs and kisses. He is a binky baby, usually only at night though, we are waiting until after his adenoid surgery and tubes in his ears (August 17th) before we take it away. He is so precious and we love him SO much! Hunter you are such a beautiful blessing. Mommy loves little troublemaker.

June 8, 2010

Colter 5 Months

Colter is 5 months old! I can't believe how fast he is growing. He is just the most happy, laid back little man. He is close to 16 pounds now, he laughs and smiles. He is still sleeping through the night (wahoo) and eats about every 3-4 hours. I have not tried any solids (cereal), his brothers did not seem interested in food AT ALL until about 6 months. So, I am just waiting. I really am hoping to make most of Colter's baby food. First, because I just want to try it, and second I'd like for him to eat healthy organic foods. We will see how it goes - if I hate it. Well there is always Gerber. Colter has his 6 month check coming up here next month so I will have all his "stats" then.

I love this little elephant of my favs!

He isn't too WILD...yet!