This blog is dedicated to my three very busy boys - Walker, Hunter and Colter. I journal here, so I can remember all the fine details and memories made of what it is like to be your Mother.

February 28, 2010

Fun in the sun...Montana Style!

Hunter tasting rocks.

Hunter running away from me...very typical.

Hunter trying to pull the wagon up the stairs.

We had a great time playing outside today. I think it was close to 50 degrees and I loaded up the boys after school and we went for a walk. I pulled Hunter in the wagon and Walker rode his scooter. It felt so good to just get out of the house and breathe some fresh air. The boys are sick of winter as am I. We're ready for spring! Here are some pictures...enjoy!

February 25, 2010

Walker ties his shoes!

I know that it is probably funny to write a post on tying your shoes, but it was a first and a milestone for Walker. It is so fun to watch your children grow. I love seeing his face light up when he learns something new - or something "clicks". He was so proud of himself- the smile on his face was just precious. I am so thankful for all the small moments, I cherish all of them. Collectively they make up a great life, full of stories and memories. In short - I just love being a Mom.

February 18, 2010

First Month with Baby Colter

My three sons...

Gosh, time really does fly when you are home with three kids! Here is an update:

Colter is doing great. He is 6 weeks old tomorrow. He is growing and eating and sleeping. I weighed him last Wednesday and he is now 10lbs! I can't believe how chubby he looks to me. He is eating about every 3 hours and is so content most of the day, napping on and off. He likes to be in his bouncy chair with the vibration on. He is becoming more interactive when he is awake, looking at things, making eye contact, just starting to grin and smile. He goes to be around 10pm and sleeps till about 4am, nurses goes back to sleep 'till about 7am. By far, he is an easy baby for me.

Hunter is my busy one! He is 21 months old, and keeps me running, running, running! He is curious about everything. He is into, onto and on top of just about anything! He is such a sweet, loving little boy. He still likes to cuddle and rock - it may only be for 3 minutes, but I enjoy every second of it. He is fascinated with the toilet and flushing it. We did get him a potty chair this month. I know it's early, but he is so interested in it. So, we have it on hand when he is "really" ready. He loves to get in to the candy drawer (on my list of things to move) and play with computer, he is always getting into Walker's markers - so his hands always have marker on them. He is talking ALL the time. He has his own language, he says Mama, Da-Ye (daddy), Bro Bro (Walker), Baby (Colter), Wawa (water), peese (please), Okay, Stop it and of course NO! And I know I am forgetting a few. But like I said he is always talking...jabbering on and on. He has something to say all the time! He loves to play with Walker and run and jump, watch Elmo and dance to the Gummy Bear song (look it up on YouTube). We just love him and some days we are so thankful for naptime!

Walker is ready for spring!! He is ready to play outside and warm weather! He is liking school. He has a lot of friends and likes reading to us. (My baby is reading!!!) He has been drawing and coloring a lot, our dining room is covered with pictures. He is such a great help, he is wonderful with Hunter, always keeping him entertained. He is my super helper with baby Colter, getting diapers, putting the lost pacifier in his mouth, just holding him sometimes. He is growing up before our eyes.

I went back to work yesterday. I had mixed feelings about going back so soon, but there was really no choice. Financially, we just needed my income. It sucks - but I am trying remain positive. I am only working 4-6 hour shifts, till March 15th, then I start my regular 2 days a week (12 hour shifts). I am thankful that thus far we haven't had the kids in daycare. Jason works at A.W.A.R.E. (a group home) Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I try to work Tuesday and Thursdays and he is home with kids. For the most part it works. Life - man it is harder than I ever thought it would be. God has really blessed us and I just try to remember that, even when I think things look bleak.

Here's a pictures of Colter at 6 weeks old.

February 13, 2010

Colter's Baby Shower

We were really blessed with a shower my mom through for us along with our church family at RMCC. It was so fun to share Colter and visit with old and new friends. It was such a blessing all the gifts and memories made. Here are a few pictures...

My bestest friend, Esther and I